Casa Covida, a house for co-habitation in the time of covid, is an experiment in 3D printing earth, an indigenous and traditional building material, to explore new and ancient ways of living. The experimental case-study house is sited in the high alpine desert of Colorado’s San Luis Valley, where adobe, a combination of sand, silt, clay, water and straw that is dried in the sun, and is the traditional building material of the region. The house is comprised of three spaces, each for two people to sleep, bathe, and gather around fire and food, and the spaces have openings to the sky, the horizon, and the ground.

The earth 3D printing system combines a portable 3-axis SCARA (Selective Compliance Articulated Robot Arm) purpose built for on-site additive manufacturing that can construct structures larger than the printer itself, with a continuous flow, and stator driven mortar pump that delivers adobe material to the nozzle. In constructing Casa Covida, a 4th axis rail which creates a rigid structure upon which the printer was moved after each printing session of approximately 400mm in height. The deposited adobe material is allowed to dry and harden in the sun and wind. The printer can be easily carried by two people and can be operated entirely by as few as one person using a cell phone that controls the printer. Mixing is and sifting the earth mixture is done manually but assisted by a mortar mixer. The design files are created by a robust software application that grows from Potterware, a ceramic 3D printing software developed by Emerging Objects, which was a by-product of the architectural aspirations for printing with clay.

PROJECT TEAM: Emerging Objects: Ronald Rael, Virginia San Fratello, Mattias Rael, Sandy Curth, Logman Arja. 3D Potter: Danny Defelici. Textiles by Joshua Tafoya. Special thanks to Christine Rael, Johnny Ortiz (Shed Project) and Maida Branch (Maida Goods). Photography by Elliot Ross and Emerging Objects
MORE INFO: Emerging Objects (www.emergingobjects.com), 3D Potter (www.3dpotter.com), Elliot Ross (www.elliotstudio.com)