Get Started!
Click the “slider tools” icon (just right of the pencil icon) in your browser window to see the tools.
Refer to the scrollable tool list to the left of the model window to design.
Navigate by clicking and dragging in the window.
Zoom in and out with two fingers, or mouse.
Show tools with the slider icon (just left of the camera icon)
Fit with the camera icon

Make the Profile smooth or angular!
Move the A – E sliders to control the design of the object. (Note: every change will require a few seconds to process)
Numbers indicate the diameter in millimeters. Adjust the height of the object with the Height slider (also mm).
Control the Scale of the X and Y axis independently!
Scroll down to get fancy!

Get Fancy:

Change the Wave Type pulldown list from None to Sinewave, Square, or Sawtooth.
Adjust the number of Repetitions you want for the effect. (Note that repetitions also controls how many sides your object is when Wave Type is in “None” mode.
The Amplitude slider adjusts how big you want the effect to be.
Cycle is how many layers you want the effect to happen with a given space.
A Space makes a space between the effect you applied.
Give it a Twist!

NonPlanar Printing
Adjust the planarity of the print — how do you want it to end? Planar = Flat, Non Planar equals Not Flat!!
Try Non Planar Jitter for Randomness
Adjust wave Frequency for how many curves you want at the top. Adjust Amplitude for how big you want them!

Print more than one object at a time by changing Single Print to Multi Print!

More information about Potterware features by MCC here!